
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Ileana Duncea” ,找到相关结果约1080条。
Ethinylestradiol30μg-drospirenone and metformin: could this combination improve endothelial dysfunction in polycystic ovary syndrome?
Ioana Rada Ilie, Ioan Marian, Teodora Mocan, Razvan Ilie, Lucian Mocan, Ileana Duncea, Carmen Pepene
BMC Endocrine Disorders , 2012, DOI: 10.1186/1472-6823-12-9
Abstract: 25 young women with PCOS (mean age 22.76?±?0.83 years, body mass index (BMI): 28.44?±?6.23) who completed the study were prospectively evaluated. The oral contraceptive- DRP/EE30μg (21 days/month) and metformin (1700 mg daily) were administered for 6 months to the PCOS group. Additionally, the 15 overweight and obese patients (BMI?>?25 kg/m2) were instructed in a diet of no more than 1500 cal daily. Primary outcome measures were surrogate markers of cardiovascular disease and included endothelial function, i.e. flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) on the brachial artery and endothelin-1 levels, as well as hsCRP concentrations, body composition (measured by whole-body dual-energy X-ray-absorptiometry) and insulin resistance. Variables were assessed at baseline, as well as after our medical intervention.The combination between DRP/EE30μg plus metformin combined with weight loss triggered a significant improvement in the FMD values (FMD-PCOSbasal 3.48?±?1.00 vs FMD-PCOS6 months7.43?±?1.04, p?=?0.033), as well as body composition and insulin insensitivity (p?<?0.05). Regarding hsCRP levels, there was no significant intragroup (PCOS6months – PCOSbasal) difference.A 6-month course of metformin- DRP/EE30μg (associated with weight loss) improves the endothelial dysfunction in PCOS and shows neutral effects on hsCRP concentrations as an inflammation marker. These data demand for reevaluation of the medical therapy in PCOS, particularly in women with additional metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01459445).
Predictor value of some clinical-biological parameters for the onset of depressive disorder in elderly patients with unstable angina
Cristina Mo?u?an,George S?raci,Caius R. Duncea
Human & Veterinary Medicine , 2012,
Abstract: . Objective: To evaluate the potential predictor value of some parameters for the onset of depression after an episode of unstableangina in elderly. Material and Methods: We included 103 elderly patients who suffered an acute unstable angina episode. Clinical, laband imagistic data was recorded in the first week after admittance. Six month after unstable angina episode, patients were evaluated for thepresence of depression. Results: Univariate analysis showed statistically significant association between depression and age, personal historyof myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes, inadequate socio-economic status, absence of family, left ventricular ejectionfraction, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol values. Multivariate analysis showed that following clinical-biological parameters increase the probabilityof onset of depression six months after an unstable angina episode: history of myocardial infarction (OR, 12.8) and arterial hypertension(OR, 5.9). Adequate socio-economic status (OR, 0.145) and high levels of HDL-cholesterol (OR, 0.101) were considered protectors for onsetof depression. Conclusion: Several factors, like arterial hypertension or history of myocardial infarction, may increase the risk of depressionin elderly. High levels of HDL-cholesterol and adequate socio-economic status can prevent the onset of depression in patients that suffered anunstable angina episode.
Ten Rules of Foot Care—The Development of a Short Questionnaire for Patients with Diabetes  [PDF]
Ileana Antohe, Alina Delia Popa
Journal of Diabetes Mellitus (JDM) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/jdm.2021.113007
Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study was to develop and validate a questionnaire for patients with diabetes to assess the foot self-care. Methods: A validation study was carried out in a sample of 200 patients with diabetes. Item analyses included the assessment of difficulty index, discrimination capacity and the correlation of items with the total score of the questionnaire. Factor analysis was used to test construct validity. Test-retest reliability was assessed with a sample of 31 patients. Criterion validity was determined by comparing the scores of patients with a history of foot ulcers with the scores of patients without this complication. Results: The internal consistency assessed by the Cronbach’s alpha (0.731) and test-retest reliability (r = 0.714, p = 0.001) for all sections were acceptable. Factor analysis revealed three factors: foot care, footwear and foot-damaging behavior, which explained 54.34% of the variance. All items had factor loading of greater than 0.4. Patients with diabetic neuropathy had a lower score after completing the foot care education questionnaire (Mann-Whitney U, p < 0.001). Conclusion: This questionnaire meets the reliability and validity conditions necessary for its application in our patients with diabetes.
Cardiotoxicity of antineoplasic agents: onset, risk factors and clinical manifestation
Maria L. R?dulescu,Caius L. Duncea,Dan R?dulescu,Valentin Militaru
Human & Veterinary Medicine , 2011,
Abstract: The continuously growing incidence of the neoplasic disease, estimated to be in 2020 themain cause of death in developed countries, has imposed an increasing research to discover newclasses of antineoplasic agents, which alone or in combination with classical chemotherapy agents,may turn cancer into a curable disease for the most of the patients. All these drugs affect the heart inrelation to the presence of risk factors: physiological (age, sex, race), general (malaise, pre-existingchronic diseases), pre-existing cardiovascular affections, previous mediastinal radiation therapy,association with other cardiotoxic substances, as well as in relation to factors related to medication(high daily dose, high cumulative dose, short interval between administrations, bolus injection). Themechanism that produces cardiotoxicity is incompletely elucidated, it appears to be plurifactorial, theproduction of oxygen free radicals being the main cause of morphological alterations. Anthracyclinescardiotoxicity is better known, with its two forms (acute/subacute and late or chronic) or even thedelayed cardiotoxicity form in survivors of childhood cancers. There are also presented some cardiacdamage modalities after treatment with alkylating agents, antimetabolites, taxanes, monoclonalantibodies (trastuzumab).
Das escolhas que fiz: implica??es etnográficas na pesquisa com crian?as
Wenetz, Ileana;
Pro-Posi??es , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-73072011000200010
Abstract: from a survey on gender and sexuality in games played at the school playground during the break, i try to describe the process of inclusion as a researcher in a public school, narrating the various taken decisions that allowed reflection from the point of view of a foreigner in a brazilian context. i carried out an ethnographic work in groups from the first to the fourth grade, focusing on a second and a third grade groups from the elementary school. in these groups, observations were made at different times of the daily school life, particularly during the school break at the playground and in interviews with the children. the results of the methodological choices permitted a further investigation on the meanings children give to their daily routine and on the ethnographer's task, besides allowing the observation that at the recreation area during the school break non-official and non-intentional learning occurs through which, among other moments in school, children learn how to behave as boys or girls.
Acerca de la cosa en sí como causa de la afección sensible
Beade, Ileana;
Signos filosóficos , 2010,
Abstract: the kantian remarks concerning the thing in it self as cause of the sensitive affection are certainly problematic, since they seem to contradict the critical principle that states the unknowability of things in themselves, and seem to involve, on the other hand, an illegitimate use of the categories. in this paper i shall try to show that -notwithstanding the position of numerous interpreters- such remarks neither contradict the principle of critical agnosticism nor involve an illegitimate use of the categories, being, at the same time, fully compatible with the fundamental principles of kant's "transcendental aesthetics". finally, i shall comment on the importance of the problem of affection in relation to a corred interpretation of the critical doctrine.
How Does Economic Crisis Change the Landscape of Real Convergence for Central and Eastern Europe?
Ileana Alexe
Romanian Journal of Fiscal Policy , 2012,
Abstract: The paper aims at analyzing the impact of the recent economic crisis on the real convergence with the Euro area for ten countries from Central and Eastern Europe that joined the European Union in 2004 and 2007. We use 2000, 2008 and 2010 as benchmark years for our study and GDP per capita at PPP, as the most relevant indicator in terms of real convergence. The study is based on Euclidian distance analysis. The results reveal that most of the countries recorded higher distances from the Euro area average, while Poland and Slovakia improved their convergence.
A physician led approach to telehealth-enabled care coordination: innovation in reimbursement and delivery system models to support physician engagement
Ileana Welte
International Journal of Integrated Care , 2012,
Bills of exchange and promissory notes – comparative perspective
Ileana VOICA
Juridical Tribune , 2011,
Abstract: his paper presents the legal system for the bills of exchange and promissory notes, and also the similarities and differences between the bills of exchange and promissory notes in the Romanian law and private international law. This article analyzed: procedures for issuing bills of exchange and promissory notes, the essential terms must include bills of exchange and promissory notes, rights and obligations arising from document exchange and the promissory notes, transmission of bills of exchange and promissory note, presentation of bills of exchange and promissory notes for payment in the original or truncation (in electronic format), the law applicable to bills of exchange and promissory notes in international trade law. This article investigates and rules in the new Romanian Civil Code of the aspects of private international law on bills of exchange and promissory notes. The conclusions of this article emphasizes the particular usefulness of these debt securities for the contemporary market economy. The institutionalization of this debt securities circulation represents one of the most important contributions of the commercial law to the progress of modern commercial activity.
Sport si Societate : Revista de Educatie Fizica, Sport si Stiinte Conexe , 2011,
Abstract: The coach represents and remains a model for the athlete, even if certain aspects of one’s behaviour havechanged depending on the demands and evolution of that specific sport. The responsibilities which are specific to thecoach are bigger now, becoming more and more complex. Moreover, the coach is an important factor for sportsperformance, together with the athlete’s efforts.The objective of the present paper is the investigation of coach’s features of personality, of one’s abilities and roleswhile obtaining performance at athletes aged between 16-18, pupils at The Highschool with Sports Program of Ia i (90subjects: 30 from football, 30 from handball and 30 from athletics). Reseach hypothesis: a) performance athletesappreciate personality features associated with positive features of coaches and also aspects which are connected to thecoach’s activity; b) performance athletes who practice different sports (football, handball, athletics) differently perceivepersonality features of coaches and their activity.Knowing the personality of the coach is very important, first of all due to the need of forming specialistsaccording to the needs of the upgraded model for athletes capable of performance and high performance, secondly forthe fact that the coach is the educator who should form the athlete, the coach is responsible for sportive performance.

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